Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Testing, testing...

Shahin is at it again! He’s developed some new facial products that are being tested in our testing spa in Charlotte, North Carolina. Spas are becoming more and more interested in our products so Shahin has spent a few nights and week-ends in the lab developing masks and serums. Of course, when products are in the developing stage all of us around the office and the lab become “Guinea pigs” and we are generally the first human “subjects” on whom the products are tested. I just love trying out the new creams, serums, masks, toners! Once we give the first green light, then it’s off to the lab for microbiological and dermatological analysis and the to the testing spa to try it out on actual people. So, watch out when the cook is in the kitchen (or the chemist in the lab)!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Off we go to Montreal, again!

We just can’t get enough of Quebec! This week-end is the Montreal edition of CHFA and we’re very busy preparing for it and looking forward to seeing again some of our biggest fans. Quebec stores have been early and eager supporters of our products and every time we go back (so far 3 times in 4 months!) it feels like going to our second home. Check back later for some pictures!


Friday, January 2, 2009

A new year to stay the course

WOW! It’s almost one year since we launched eaurganic and it feels like a lifetime has gone by. There have been so many big and small achievements since April last year and my wife and I were in such a celebratory mood, we decided to throw a big party to welcome the new year with friends and fans. We had more than 50 guests. Some of them I had not seen since last year. As we raised the glass to the successes that we’re having, I was reminded yet again of why I do what I do and why I will not compromise on the purity and quality of eaurganic. Three friends whom I had not seen in a long time and who were among the first to try this new line as I was developing it, came to me telling me how eaurganic is having a positive impact on their lives by helping control their rosacea, oily skin and even extreme sensitivity to skin care products. This type of feedback, above all else, is what keeps me focused on keeping harmful artificial ingredients out of my products and live up to the very tough standard eaurganic is certified under. So I start a new year with renewed energy and conviction and I toast to the bright future of eaurganic.


P.S. If you’d like to do some technical reading and see exactly what I’m talking about, you can download the IOS Cosmetics Standard at